Programmer's Corner
Articles, tutorials, source code. Forums.
The Programmers Corner
Programming resource website containing articles, tips, downloads, standards and source code in several popular programming languages, such as: VB, VB.Net, C#, C++, Java and PHP.
Programmers Heaven
Online site for programmers with thousands of links and files to explore. Everything from Assembler to Visual Basic can be found here.
The Programmer's Lair
Offers programs, source codes, forums, tutorials, newsletters and more for C++, Visual Basic and Delphi.
An on-line resource for programmers to learn new programming languages, find job sites and programmer web resources.
Programming Central
Covers all issues of programming including C/C++, graphics and games. Also has HTML and Javascript information.
Programming examples and tutorials for developers
Provides information and tutorials for developers.
Programming Tutorials -
A resource of tutorials and articles for programmers and developers.
Resources for Java, Javascript, Perl, Python, Macintosh and Palm.
Articles and forums on C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, and C++/MFC.
Resources for the Geeks
A resource for IT professionals, containing news, directory, and jobs.
A collection of scripts and programs, tutorials, and books: ASP, ASP.NET, CFML, Flash, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, C/C++, Python, XML.
Programming information and tutorials for Delphi, Pascal, C, C++, Java, HTML, Assembly.
SIGS Conferences and Publications
Pertinent, informative and resource-packed magazines, conferences and exhibitions for the application development marketplace.
Programming site reviews posted by users.
Computer technology, programming, 3D animation: tutorials, tools.
Online developer repository, allowing developers to share and access their own personal code libraries from anywhere in the world.
Information on Open Source software movement. Also provides a collection of links to Linux, programming languages, databases, and networking.
Some Code Snippets
Code snippets that may be helpful for C#, VB.Net, VB, HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript and SQL.
Source code for data structures and Java.
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