Thomas, Ron - Ron's Cornucopia
Win32 programming using assembly. DOS 16 bit and Windows demonstration programs. Synopsis to "Graphics Programming using Assembly" book.
Thomas, Ryan
Contains copies of some of author's computer science notes from degree at Bristol University. Some examples of the programming excercises. Also about, photo galleries.
Thomason, Michael
Example source codes, funny pictures, jokes, quotes, links, and poetry.
Thornton, James
Web developer and consultant, Dallas, Texas. Repository for his writings, software, muses, and recommended readings.
Tichindelean, Nicolae Gabriel
CV, contact details. Downloadable examples of recent programming work, with descriptions in Romanian: Virtual department store, Enterprise JavaBeans, Chess game.
Toia, Matthew - Fiftyvolts Diagnostic
Code snippets, bug reports, programming advice, list of current projects, and software downloads.
Tokatli, Deniz
Resume. Photos from CA and Turkiye; Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir. Music.
Topala, Gabriel
Resume. Family pictures. SIW, a Read-Only/Display-Only System Information program. Display password hidden behind asterisks tool. CPU and Memory Usage tool.
Torvalds, Linus
The creator of Linux.
Tsantes, Antonios
Java and JavaScript snippets and tutorials.
Tun, Kyaw
Parallel computing toolbox for Matlab. Tutorial for mixed language programming between Fortran and BCB 6.
Tybrandt, Klas
Programming in Pascal, assembler and C++. Also Ti83 section.
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