Tools for general usage developer. Visual XCopy, IHA - ClassInfo (extract classes information from in .cpp/.pas/.html/.java files), dbAdmin programs.
Floken's Website
Download apps, games and programming code examples. [Freeware]
The Freeman's Web Store
A "one page" web site with C, Java, Perl sources. Links.
GardOr's SnaKe PiT
Art and Computer Art, Programs, VB, links.
Java, XML, DocBook and Linux links and notes.
OpenGL, DirectX, DSound, DInput, FMod game programming techniques in C/C++. Lua programming.
Blogging from the mind of a programmer who would be an author.
Hutch's Homepage
Homepage of the author of MASM32. TheGun text editor, MASM and PowerBASIC tools, manuals and links.
jhcore productions
PHP-based multimedia content handling. Waste is an encrypted instant messaging and file sharing application.
Some docs about programming with Linux and PIC. And how to configure CISCO's routers
About, photos, skills and research. Creator of Kiran's Typing Tutor and Kiran's Kids Games. C# and Visual basic.NET tips and sources.
Some articles and tips for Visual Basic and Windows Registry.
Macrotech Programming Page
Resources for assembler and Delphi programming.
Software projects, including Java, raytracing, particle systems. About.
Million Monkeys Typing
Programming projects, including a seismic processing system, a golf handicapper, and various programming tools and GUI applications using KDE/QT.
Page to share information that author gathered by reading and by experiencing at realtime on DB2, Java, Rexx, CICS, COBOL, JCL.
Features a DNS Query Component, a VB.NET class written in purly managed code which uses sockets to perform DNS queries of different types.
NanSoft eLabs
Pointers and articles related to topics in computer programming. Blog.
NMR's Computer Science and Philosophy
Geek code 3.12 generator download. LIDO Command Intrepreter. Contains original discoveries in computer science and philosophy.
Noah's Page (The Old Code)
Programming with Visual Basic, HTML, and mIRC Scripting.
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