A programming language in which program flow can go sideways. Closely related to Befunge. Tutorial, reference, sample source code, Public Domain implementation available.
Owl (Obfuscated Weird Language)
By Antonio Maschio. A character-based language interpreter written in C, in the style of False.
Home of esoteric programming languages such as Java2K, Smith#, Sorted!, [], Esogotschi and the Great Python Language Zoo. Also heavy on the code obfuscation front.
Programming in Malbolge
Introduction to Malbolge programming. Also propose modificatins of Malbolge for making programming in it more worse.
Q-BAL Programming Language
A queue based programming language. It's not designed to be useful, just fun.
A language with beautiful source code that resembled Shakespeare plays.
Turing Tarpit
Directory of sites dealing with obfuscated programming languages.
The Unlambda Programming Language
Minimalistic functional language based on the Lambda calculus but lacking the Lambda operator. Tutorial, reference, GPLed interpreters available.
Turing incomplete programming language written by a guy named Larry, who's friends always asked him about his new PC: "What does it do?" Works via 2 registers: accumulator and match flag which holds one value (T or F).
Weird Programming Languages
Yet another list of obfuscated programming languages.
Any non whitespace characters are ignored; only spaces, tabs and newlines are considered syntax.
XS - XML Programming Language
A toy obfuscated programming language from the brain of Mark Carter. Harness the power of XML, by using it as a programming language. Comes with compiler and example code.
The esoteric programming language. Documentation, interpreter, and example programs.
BDAMD: Basic Demonic Asinine Multi-Dimensional
Home site, by its creator: descriptions, code samples, download.
Strange Befunge-descendant language.
By Antonio Maschio. An obfuscated language, powerful, quite complete, based on forth, "false" (by W. van Oortmerssen) and "TRUE" (by Dewi).
Cat's Eye Technologies
Specifications, implementations, sample source code collections for several strange languages, comments on obfuscated language taxonomy and on several far-out coding practices, mail list, links to many related sites.
Comment Programming Language
An open-source language for writing comments.
DM's Esoteric Programming Languages
D. Morgan-Mar esoteric languages Chef, Haifu, Ook!, Piet, Whenever. Links.
Esoteric Non-existent Standards Institute
"Institute" for the standardization of unstandardized standardizable things, mostly esoteric languages and extensions to them.
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