Aarons ScriptCalendar
An event driven DHTML JavaScript Calendar that displays dates and events in typical wall calendar format.
ABT Infosystems - Free Javascripts
Background effects, Image effects, Javascript URL, Menus, Open/Close window scripts. Also DHTML scripts: scrollers, background effects, roll-overs.
Free popup rotator, popup reviews and anti-popup blocker code. [Commercial]
Ajay's Javascript Math and Science Tools
Javascript math calculators, equation solvers, unit converters, science tools and resources.
Claimed to be "the World's easiest JavaScript AJAX toolkit", for submitting data from a form in an HTML page to a server and back to any specified JavaScript function. It is designed to degrade gracefully.
A versatile and nifty DHTML/JavaScript popup display. It can double as a popup description or navigation popup.
Arun's Javascript Utilities
Collection of ready-to-use Javascripts, features a flexible Javascript PopUp Calendar, PopCal.
Avenue Metasearch
This JavaScript search form gives you the possibility to search the 50+ most popular search engines and directories. Main script hosted at Avenue site. [Freeware]
Bentstone JavaScripts
JavaScript card games, slideshows and some fancy visual effects.
BiteSize jsWindows
A virtual window environment that attempts to simulate multiple browser windows inside a single Web page. This allows the visitor the ability to move and resize items on the page.
Javascripts for form validation, browser detection, cookies, images swaping. Also calculator and slider game.
Bouncing Text in Status Bar
A script takes the text you input and 'bounces' it in the status bar.
Shows popups over HTML elements and is compatible in major browsers. It was designed with low CPU consumption in mind. [Freeware]
Calendars of the World
A calendar coverter to convert between about 20 different worldwide calendars. [Freeware]
Clipower Web Controls
A table, tree, tab and dropdown JavaScript controls. [Shareware]
Offer JavaScript scripts. Including CodeThatMenu, CodeThatTree, CodeThatXPBar navigation controls. CodeThatScroller, CodeThatCalendar, CodeThatPacker, CodeThatTable CodeThatGrid controls.
A pop-up color picker control for use on web pages.
4 Colors Selector
A JavaScript color picker.
CoolJava JavaScripts
Shareware Javascript equivalents calculators.
Cory's Javascript Page
Offers a number of basic scripts.
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