Automated Release and Distribution system for Java. [Open Source, GPL]
A software tool to automatically build minimum JARs for running a given class. [Open Source, GPL]
Duckware: Java Tools
Includes Java2exe to package all program resources into single executable and MakeInstall to support install/uninstall. Also includes obfuscator. [Shareware]
Automate the design, build, and integration of application deployment technologies into a Java Application with no programming required. By Trinity Software, LLC.
A 'jar' utility with additional features, written in C. [Open Source, GPL]
Free Java Installer. [Open Source, GPL]
A software installer that can install Java and non-Java files from a self-extracting archive. [Open Source]
InstallWiz Professional Edition
Fully customisable Java installation software generator; can create native installers for Windows and Linux. [Freeware]
Java installer generator. [Open Source, GPL]
Jarpend Project
Provide tools relative to dependency checking for Java. [OpenSource, BSD]
Java Cannery
Utility for packaging Java projects into distributable form. It finds all dependencies and generates a JAR file. [Open Source, GPL]
Creates a JAR file with all and only the Java classes required by a given main class. [Freeware]
Creates Java installations. Install from the web. Customize with Java. Ship the exact classes need and check updates. By DeNova, Inc. [Commercial]
Roxes Ant Tasks
This collections contains several ANT tasks for simplifying application deployment. [Open Source, GPL]
A simple framework to build and deploy Java application. It gains from the sinergy of Java and Javascript and a minimum set of clear rules to organize their interaction.
ToolShed Java Installer
A simple pure-Java installer. [Open Source, GPL]
Distills an entire application, including resources such as images, into one class file. Reduces download time and CLASSPATH problems. [Freeware]
Multi-platform installer written in Java. [GPL]
Zero G Software
Creator of InstallAnywhere, a Java multi-platform deployment tool for building installers that can install software on virtually any platform. [commercial]
Automated Release and Distribution system for Java. [Open Source, GPL]
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