Firmware Factory Embedded Development Environment
Public domain Windows 95/98/NT based development environment for ultra-flexible embedded firmware, for microcontrollers. Loosely based on the IEEE1275 Open Firmware, but fits nicely on an 8-bit 8031 system: under 10k.
By HARDCODE Development; portable Forth development system for Motorola 680x0, supports ANSI; includes source, documentation, tools; free download.
Forth Script
Server-side web scripting engine based on Forth.
By Bureau d'Etudes (engineering and design department) Melice SPRL. ForthCAD-3D (French), 2D/3D Computer Aided Design software. ForthCAD-Pager (English), simple, accurate, reliable, low cost 2D editor, comes with new modular 3D CAD product line, evaluation/upgrade download.
Tom Almy's Forth compiler for x86 targets. Not interpreted: compiles to machine code (built-in assembler), written in Forth; very compact, fast, mature, stable.
Begun as Andy Valencia eForth x86 port, 32-bit mode, was runnable under DOS DJGPP 32-bit extender; stalled for years then resumed to adapt to GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB), environment was improved to give ForthOS. Description, download, links.
TUNES project Wiki page; many links, little description, on Forth OSs.
Experimental Forth development system for PC, runs in protected mode under DOS, written in 386 assembler, powerful built-in source editor, tools for cross-reference can modify source automatically. Can make stand-alone DOS applications: .exe files.
Forth-like system for the MSP430 (and other processors such 386)
Customized version of pForth that provides bindings to the FLTK library.
hForth - A Small, Portable ANS Forth
Article of Wonyong Koh. Originally published inForth Dimensions XVIII/2, 30.
HMSL: Hierarchical Music Specification Language
Object oriented set of extensions to Forth, for experimental music composition and performance. For any Macintosh, and 1 Meg RAM.
By Wolf Wejgaard Forth Engineering. New, Forth-based instant programming tool and interactive programming method that lets you build reliable programs in very little time; merges all parts of a powerful development tool: browser, editor, assembler, compiler, linker, debugger, interpreter.
Holon Lite
Free, full function demonstration version of Holon-86, which builds target programs on DOS platforms. You can use it for real programming.
Very simple object oriented Forth implementation, by Helge Horch.
iForth FAQ
Very fast, multi-platform, full 32-bit Forth: 4 GByte flat address space, subroutine threading, runs on any Intel compatible CPU '386+'387 or more, and on DOS, Linux, Windows NT.
Standalone Forth (neither ANS compliant nor ColorForth) for PC.
Because Forth IS! Free, 32-bit, direct threaded Forth compiler for x86. Other processors to be supported.
JaxForth; VWin4th
Three Jack J. Woehr implementations. JaxForth/Jax4th: ANSI Standard Forth for Amiga, Windows. VWin4th: 1994 tiny demo Forth written in Digitalk Smalltalk for Windows, source only. Also, author's book and many good links.
JForth: Martin Randall
Free, subroutine threaded language and full programming environment for Amiga: several tutorials, on-line manuals, large professional quality manual, FAQs. Site has links, programs, history. Was sold commercially by Delta Research.
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