NT Kernel Resources
Windows Packet Filter Kit for developing filtering/modifying communication applications. Also Windows 2000 undocumented kernel structures. Open source TDI firewall.
NTPort Library
Enables real-time direct access to PC I/O ports. By Zeal SoftStudio. [Shareware]
OSR Online
Device driver development information, DDK online.
Pulse Train Software Ltd.
Custom device driver development and File System filter framework for Windows NT/2000/XP.
Toolkits, custom development, and training for Windows kernel driver development. Content in German and English.
A toolkits for real-time direct access to port I/O, physical memory, hardware interrupts from a Win32 application. [Shareware]
Unified IO
C++ interface for industrial IO cards. An alternative to device drivers provided by hardware vendors.
USB Analyzer
A professional software-based analyzer for USB driver developers. It captures and analyzes I/O requests for all USB devices. Targets Windows platforms and USB 2.0 and 1.x.
User CONfigurable Driver (UCON)
Enables to quickly and easily develop communications drivers for any serial device or ethernet device. Designed as a driver plug-in, UCON is completely integrated with OPC server KEPServerEX. By Kepware Technologies.
Programming information for every RAMDAC, EGA, VGA, SVGA, and VESA video card made up to 1995.
Visual Enterprises NTIO DDK
Provide Visual C++ and Visual Basic developers code and tool resources for writing complicated device IO_CTL drivers.
VMWare's Back
Virtual Disk drivers for Windows to support VMWare
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