A COM component library for Windows NT, network, generic programming. [Commercial]
HalfTime Technologies
Thread Factory is a component library for creating multi-threaded applications. Thread Factory includes a wealth of features including an asynchronous calling convention that parallels COM+ with Begin_xxx and Finish_xxx methods and asynchronous error handling. HalfTime Active Show is a multi-threaded component library for adding graphics and sound to desktop applications. MouseTrap is a free component library that allows capture mouse events.
Controls for real-time instrumentation, charting, plotting. By Iocomp Software Incorporated.
J Component Software
ActiveX components includes Animation GIF, Alarm, Rotated Text, Wave Mixer, System Info. [Free and shareware]
Mabry Mega Pack 2
A range of VBX/OCX system and interface components including alarm, bar code, disk and file information, high resolution timer, INI file access, joystick, mailslots, Soundex, version information, WAV, ZIP, drag and drop notifier, bitmap listbox, rich text label, LED, status bar, percent bar, image button, rotatable label. By Mabry Software.
Miraplacid Scripting Components
Crypto, AntiBot Image, Upload, Gzip, Exec, Blob. [Components, Shareware]
10Tec Company
Offers ActiveX components for the Win32 platform. Lists and describes products and provides ordering information.
Teebo Software Solutions
Provide ActiveX/COM component solutions including OfficeMenu, tssTrayNotify, tssSubst (A component-based replacement for the 'subst' command), tssHookDisc (Allows application to receive notification of the insertion or removal of a disc into any CD-ROM/CDR/DVD drive), TaskPaneXP, tssBalloonTip, tssFileDragDrop. [Commercial] And tssNetResolve ActiveX component. [Freeware]
Toolsack Baseline
Objects that provide support for calling DLL functions, stopwatch, GMT time, typed lists, SMTPMail, file I/O, sockets, GUIDs, and DNS. By Toolsack Software Ltd. [Components, Commercial]
An online reseller of VB/COM/ActiveX tools and components.
A range of Web and communication related ActiveX COM components. [Shareware]
WeOnlyDo! Inc.
Provide ActiveX component and COM object solutions including security, general network protocols, mail ActiveX components. - ActiveX
Directory AciveX controls. - COM
Direcotry of COM components.
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