Language-independent optimizing compiler infrastructure for OO and other high-level languages, coded in Cecil, whole-program optimizer with aggressive analyses and optimizations. Front-ends: Cecil, Smalltalk; C++, Java; Modula-3. Outputs portable C++, SPARC assembly.
Language-independent optimizing compiler infrastructure for OO and other high-level languages, coded in Cecil, whole-program optimizer with aggressive analyses and optimizations. Front-ends: Cecil, Smalltalk; C++, Java; Modula-3. Outputs portable C++, SPARC assembly.
Language-independent optimizing compiler infrastructure for OO and other high-level languages, coded in Cecil, whole-program optimizer with aggressive analyses and optimizations. Front-ends: Cecil, Smalltalk; C++, Java; Modula-3. Outputs portable C++, SPARC assembly.
Language-independent optimizing compiler infrastructure for OO and other high-level languages, coded in Cecil, whole-program optimizer with aggressive analyses and optimizations. Front-ends: Cecil, Smalltalk; C++, Java; Modula-3. Outputs portable C++, SPARC assembly.
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