The NPSNET Research Group
First academic multi-user VR project, currently investigating large-scale, persistent, dynamically-extensible VEs.
Optical Headtracking Technology
Real time optical headtracking technology for virtual reality, military and cockpit applications.
ORI Applied Computer Simulation Labs
Focus on the development of virtual training environments to enhance human performance, with an emphasis on applications for physically challenged persons and the blind.
Presence Research Resources
A comprehensive and up-to-date academic resource site on virtual reality, telepresence and advanced media.
Research Center for Virtual Environments and Behavior
Multi-disciplinary virtual environment research center at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Uses immersive virtual environment technology to study numerous aspects of human behavior.
ScienceSpace Project
Explores the strengths and limits of virtual reality (sensory immersion, 3-D representation) as a medium for science education at GMU.
SPIN - Spherical Projection Interface
A Virtual Reality device designed by the Laboratory for the Construction of Experimental Situations.
TU Vienna Virtual Environments group
This page gives an overview of current and ongoing research on virtual environments at the TU Vienna. Projects focus on real-time graphics, user interfaces and multi-user systems.
UNC Geometric and Physically-Based Modeling
Projects on collision detection, solid modeling, visibility culling, and simplification.
UNC Nanomanipulator Project
A virtual-environment interface to Scanned-Probe Microscopes.
UNC Pixel-Planes and Pixel-Flow
Research in revolutionary hardware architecture for 3D graphics.
The UNC Tracker Project
6D pose estimation for humans and devices.
UNC Walkthrough Project
Long-running project, whose goal is to allow viewers to experience architectural models in a simulated fashion.
Virtual Environment Technologies Centre
The VETC is a world class facility containing VR technology that is revolutionizing conceptualization, design, and simulation in a wide array of industries.
Virtual European Statistical Laboratory
This paper describes the VRML implementation of the V.E.S.L. and examines a number of advanced applications in the field of shared virtual worlds.
Virtual Reality Laboratory in POSTECH University, Korea
Specialized research fields include presence in virtual environments, three-dimensional multimodal interaction, and software engineering for virtual reality systems.
The XAVE Project
A compact, low-cost CAVE-like immersive environment project at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.
Yunhe Shen's research in VR based surgery simulation
VR based surgery simulation. Collision Detection, Physically Based Modeling, Haptic, Visualization.
Aspergers Syndrome Interactive Project
Investigating the use of virtual reality to teach social skills to people with Autistic Spectrum disorders.
Contains an on-line database of literature and links relevant to the study of cybersickness.
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