ATG Autotransportlogistic GmbH
Rail based vehicle and car transport service operator, based in Germany.
Austrian Railways - ÖBB
Information, timetables and news.
European rail freight operator
Belgian Railways - NMBS/SNCB
NMBS/SNCB is the National Railway Company of Belgium. Information for rail travel in, to and from Belgium.
Rail based container transport between German North Sea ports and southern Germany.
Brest Branch UE Belintertrans
Official site of Brest Branch UE Belintertrans Belarussian Railways
Croatian Railways - HZ
Information and timetable. limited English version.
Danish Railways - DSB
Timetable and journey planner, news and information
DB Motorail
Motorail trains within Germany and to Austria, Italy and France.
DB Timetable Information
DB (German National Railways) Timetable - covers the whole of Europe including the UK.
Deutsche Bahn AG
European urban and country traffic database, including Germany wide pricing information and faq. German and English language site.
Deutsche Bahn UK
British office of Deutsche Bahn (German Railways). Timetables and ticketing for travel in Germany and Europe.
EKO Transportgesellschaft mbH
German goods trains operator from the east of the state of Brandenburg to various destinations in Germany and Luxembourg. Information about the lines, the locomotives and the Ziltendorf marshalling yard.
Elipsos Trainhotel
Manages the night-time Trainhotel railway services between Spain and France, Spain and Switzerland and Spain and Italy.
Operator of the high speed transport system which links the UK to France through the Channel Tunnel.
Ferrovie Nord Cargo
Private Italian operator that deals with rail freight transport to European destinations. Includes rail network information.
Finnish Railways - VR
Finnish rail operator. Timetable and ticketing information.
French Railways - SNCF
Freight and passenger services.
Gyõr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Railway
Privately owned Austrian-Hungarian railway company in operation since 1872. Information about passenger and freight services in both countries. Site in English, Hungarian and German.
Hupac Group - Shuttle Service
Operate freight trains for transporting semi-trailers and maritime containers to and from Switzerland and Italy.
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