Abacus Training
Formally Colton Software.
Aleph One
Makers of the PC card.
Educational software developer.
Custom RISC solutions. This company specialises in solving technical problems. This usually includes designing and building hardware and software to fulfill some specific need.
Artex Software
Games developer.
Aspex Software
Developers of educational computer software for schools.
Avie Home Page
Hard drive brackets and custom written software for the RISC PC.
BASS Software
Freelance developers of the WIMP version of Zarch, the RISC OS version of CVS and Filetree.
BBC and Spectrum Emulators and Dynamic Geometry for RISC OS
Castle Technology
Castle sell a wide range of hardware and peripherals for the RiscPC. From monitors to harddiscs, including CD towers, modems, and memory. Castle are the official distributor of Acorn desktop products.
Cerilica Limited
RISC OS design and publishing software.
Circle Software
All Circle titles are now controlled by CJE Micros.
Educational Software developer, for English and Welsh languages.
Turn-Key internet, computing and business solutions developer.
Dalriada Data Technology
Developers of Desktop Publishing utilities for RISC OS.
David Pilling Software
Developer of a huge range of software, including Ovation Pro, and Twain.
David Snell's Home Page
Developer of CAD software.
Digital Phenomena
Software developer.
Developers of Flight Simulators.
Sells CD-ROMS, SCSI cards, CD mastering solutions, and DVD drives.
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