The BBC Lives!
Includes a large collection of documentation covering software, hardware, programming, circuit diagrams, and games. Also features downloadable software, details of emulators, and a wide range of links.
The BBC Computer
Includes game disk images, scanned manuals, links to emulators, a chat room, and game cover scans.
BBC Games from the Past
Screenshots and IMG downloads of a selection of BBC games.
BBC Micro Documentation
Includes documentation of the 6502/6510/8500/8502 instruction set, errata for BBC Micro manuals, Acorn application notes, and WD1770 disk controller programming information.
The BBC Microcomputer System Games Archive
Includes a history of the BBC, advice on how to obtain a BBC, emulator information, interviews with influential people in the Beeb scene, details of unreleased games, a high score table, and a large list of companies, with descriptions of the games each produced.
Mailing list for discussion of all aspects of the BBC Microcomputer and related machines.
Includes technical articles on linking BBCs using RS232, resetting CMOS RAM, interfacing the BBC Micro to outside circuits, and the Domesday Project, along with a biography of the BBC Micro.
Retro Computing - BBC Emulation and File Transfer
Details of, and programs for, transferring files between a PC and a BBC.
Sprow's 8 Bit BBC Mecca
Details of an assortment of hardware and software projects for the BBC micro that you can build or download, along with some commercially available add-ons.
The BBC Lives!
Includes a large collection of documentation covering software, hardware, programming, circuit diagrams, and games. Also features downloadable software, details of emulators, and a wide range of links.
The BBC Computer
Includes game disk images, scanned manuals, links to emulators, a chat room, and game cover scans.
BBC Games from the Past
Screenshots and IMG downloads of a selection of BBC games.
BBC Micro Documentation
Includes documentation of the 6502/6510/8500/8502 instruction set, errata for BBC Micro manuals, Acorn application notes, and WD1770 disk controller programming information.
The BBC Microcomputer System Games Archive
Includes a history of the BBC, advice on how to obtain a BBC, emulator information, interviews with influential people in the Beeb scene, details of unreleased games, a high score table, and a large list of companies, with descriptions of the games each produced.
Mailing list for discussion of all aspects of the BBC Microcomputer and related machines.
Includes technical articles on linking BBCs using RS232, resetting CMOS RAM, interfacing the BBC Micro to outside circuits, and the Domesday Project, along with a biography of the BBC Micro.
Retro Computing - BBC Emulation and File Transfer
Details of, and programs for, transferring files between a PC and a BBC.
Sprow's 8 Bit BBC Mecca
Details of an assortment of hardware and software projects for the BBC micro that you can build or download, along with some commercially available add-ons.
The BBC Lives!
Includes a large collection of documentation covering software, hardware, programming, circuit diagrams, and games. Also features downloadable software, details of emulators, and a wide range of links.
The BBC Computer
Includes game disk images, scanned manuals, links to emulators, a chat room, and game cover scans.
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