Advantage Gen Email List and Resource Page
Home of the (un)official peer-support Avantage Gen (formerly known as Cool:GEN) mailing list. Topics include CBD, action diagraming, how-to. Also contains Gen related links and information files.
A CASE tool which uses a service oriented method along three axes: service, structure, and behavior/activity. Integrates the Visio drawing tool and draws automatically from a database repository.
Analyst Pro
A tool for systems analysts and software engineers to manage software requirements and test cases throughout the system life cycle.
CASE Tool Index
An index of computer aided software engineering tools.
Critical Software
Develops and markets software products for business and mission critical information systems, and provide consulting and engineering services for enterprises.
David Consulting Group
DCG services include software metrics (including function point analysis), software process improvement and outsourcing.
Department for CASE Tools
Part of the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this is a research and development organization focusing on Computer-Aided Software Engineering. Particular areas of interest are formal language processing, including compilers, development environments, visualization tools, reverse engineering, verification, repositories and Web portals.
Dr Patch - Your total patch solution
Dr Patch Limited provide a solution that will answer all your software updating needs. With the combination of daily email, The Ultimate Patch Collection and the Patch Private Eye, we will solve your patch requirements. For less than one person hour per month, we can add the professional edge to your software support needs.
GTD systems and software engineering
Systems engineering high-tech company leader in space, defence, science, and energy.
Hanson Corporation
Provides process management and cost estimating tools, including Cost Xpert 2.0; a free monthly journal, software development services, and Delphi consulting.
Hendrickson Components
Microsoft DNA software architects, software engineering, and development.
Henley Software
Complete bespoke software solution. From producing the original specifications, through development and implementation to training and support, we can manage your entire project.
Information about the Estelle language and methodology used in developing software based on communicating components.
International Function Point User Group
A non-profit organization promoting the use of function point analysis and other software metrics.
A comprehensive site providing systems, application development, and object oriented methodology information. Includes CASE tools, UML papers, and summary methodologies for software engineering.
Develops and support tools for software engineering, process control, version and configuration management.
MR Control Ltd
Independent systems integrator providing custom built control systems, bespoke software, training and technical support.
Netron Incorporated
Offers products and services to help accelerate e-business implementation through legacy renewal and reengineering.
Newman & Spurr Consultancy Ltd
A software engineering company based in Camberley, Surrey, specialising in simulations, mathematical modelling, wargames, operational analysis, graphical interfaces and database design.
Object-Oriented Project Size Estimator
Provides information on the Oopsize system for estimating the time required to develop an object oriented project.
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