DROPS: Dresden Real-Time Operating System Project
Several RTOSs with QoS focus: much research is done on networking support for continuous-media applications, very few projects tackle related OS issues, such as scheduling and file system support for bounded response time: overview, status, download, installation, use, documentation, papers.
Operating Systems with Quality of Service Guarantees
Short, annotated, alphabetically sorted list and links, part of larger system.
Project Satori
High-Performance distributed object environment emphasizing adaptive end-to-end QoS guarantees. Abstract, components, documents, people, funding.
One-user, general purpose OS built on a protected memory, POSIX threads RT kernel; full kernel, device drivers, file systems, and network protocols runs in about 200 K RAM; now runs on x86 CPUs but designed for easy portability. [Open source, GPL]
Free for non-commercial use. Communication-oriented OS focused on network systems: network-attached devices, set-top boxes, and hand-held devices. Fast, customizable, based on new ways to structure and construct OSs: The Path: how data flows between end-points in a system; paths are primary objects to which resources are assigned. Also exploring new compiler technologies for system design and implementation, based on this insight: extensible OSs are worthless if no one can build or extend them.
SUpport for Multimedia in Operating systems, Lancaster University: microkernel OS with facilities to support distributed realtime and multimedia applications and ODP-based multimedia distributed application platforms.
Object-oriented operating system for large-scale shared-memory multiprocessors. Minimizes data sharing via careful design: often eliminates data sharing even when sharing appears natural. Successor to Hurricane.
Extensible OS, high reusability and modularity, application-directed kernel policy, universal resource interface, take no usual solutions for granted (question everything): software and postscript downloads.
Getting Closer to 99.9999% Network Uptime
Has information loss become so crucial? Is there real demand for highly available networks? Or are network OEMs, fighting a bad economy, making high-tech versions of detergent ads claiming new and improved. [Vaughan-Nichols & Associates] (April 25, 2003)
DROPS: Dresden Real-Time Operating System Project
Several RTOSs with QoS focus: much research is done on networking support for continuous-media applications, very few projects tackle related OS issues, such as scheduling and file system support for bounded response time: overview, status, download, installation, use, documentation, papers.
Operating Systems with Quality of Service Guarantees
Short, annotated, alphabetically sorted list and links, part of larger system.
Project Satori
High-Performance distributed object environment emphasizing adaptive end-to-end QoS guarantees. Abstract, components, documents, people, funding.
One-user, general purpose OS built on a protected memory, POSIX threads RT kernel; full kernel, device drivers, file systems, and network protocols runs in about 200 K RAM; now runs on x86 CPUs but designed for easy portability. [Open source, GPL]
Free for non-commercial use. Communication-oriented OS focused on network systems: network-attached devices, set-top boxes, and hand-held devices. Fast, customizable, based on new ways to structure and construct OSs: The Path: how data flows between end-points in a system; paths are primary objects to which resources are assigned. Also exploring new compiler technologies for system design and implementation, based on this insight: extensible OSs are worthless if no one can build or extend them.
SUpport for Multimedia in Operating systems, Lancaster University: microkernel OS with facilities to support distributed realtime and multimedia applications and ODP-based multimedia distributed application platforms.
Object-oriented operating system for large-scale shared-memory multiprocessors. Minimizes data sharing via careful design: often eliminates data sharing even when sharing appears natural. Successor to Hurricane.
Extensible OS, high reusability and modularity, application-directed kernel policy, universal resource interface, take no usual solutions for granted (question everything): software and postscript downloads.
Getting Closer to 99.9999% Network Uptime
Has information loss become so crucial? Is there real demand for highly available networks? Or are network OEMs, fighting a bad economy, making high-tech versions of detergent ads claiming new and improved. [Vaughan-Nichols & Associates] (April 25, 2003)
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