SubRosa Utilities
File encryption and secure deletion utilities compatible for Mac OS, Mac OS X and Windows platforms.
SuperLock Pro
This security program by TriVectus provides powerful features to keep your Macs secure, such as three access levels and support for thousands of users, protection even when the computer is booted off a different disk, and various password cracking prevention measures.
Unvisible Universe Software
Security software for the Power Mac featuring shift key disable and modules for Realbasic.
VPN Tracker
VPN client for Mac OS X, downloadable application and manuals.
VSE My Privacy
A secure repository for your passwords, notes and all kind of data that should be kept secret. It protects your data with military strength 448-bit encryption.
Web Confidential
An application that stores all of your user IDs, passwords, registration keys, PINs, serial numbers, and the like for easy retrieval using a card metaphor. For protection of this sensitive information, the password database can be scrambled with up to 448-bit encryption!
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