Offers hardware and software network security products including firewalls, cryptographic softmare, antivirus, and intrusion detection systems.
ISS - Internet Security Systems
A pioneer and leading supplier of adaptive security management systems, providing innovative software that enables maximum protection from network security risks.
IT Global Secure
Large directory listing thousands of computing related security products. Offers both software and hardware solutions.
Lexias Incorporated
Provides next generation solutions in data security and high availability data storage.
Little Cat Z Ltd
Security tools and consultancy. Silverback risk analysis software. Product information, open security standards and contact details.
Lumigent Technologies
Enterprise data auditing solutions that help organizations mitigate the inherent risks associated with data use and regulatory compliance.
Matcode Software
ProtectZ security rights management software. [Windows 95/98/ME] Product information, downloads and contact details.
Medley Software Corporation
Identity and access management solutions. Product information, company news and profile and contact details.
Meetinghouse Data Communications
Features outsourcing for internetworking router/switch software, protocol implementation, system architecture and design, and automated tests. Company profile and contact information provided.
Midland Computers Security Products
Lockable harnesses for preventing theft of computer cases. Also offers several other data protection products.
Mission Critical Systems - Comprehensive Data Security
Providing organizations with the tools, controls and training to secure your infrastructure.
Nautilus Secure Phone
Program that allows two parties to hold a secure voice conversation using Linux and TCP/IP.
Develops integrated security software products for the IT industry.
Offer security patch management and firewall event monitoring software. Also offer products that manage employee web and email usage.
Networking Technologies
MailMarshal: an "email firewall" gives you total control concerning email in the enterprise.
Novell: Nsure
NSure, identity and access management solution. Product details, customer comments, news articles, downloads, ordering and contact information.
Proteus is a software tool designed to audit information security management systems according to ISO17799 standards.
Original Programs, Inc.
Company offers, computer and Internet security software, including customized monitoring programs.
Pacel Corporation
Developer of a broad range of security software applications for businesses and content filtering software for online families.
Pacom Systems
Provider of integrated and networked security solutions for single- and multi-site organisations.
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