IT Security Cookbook
An excellent guide to computer & network security with a strong focus on writing and implementing security policy. This is primarily for security managers and system administrators. - Security's human side
IT World article - essentially a review of Pentasafe's VigilEnt security policy management product.
Make Your Web Site P3P Compliant
How to create and publish your company's platform for privacy performance policy, a W3C initiative, in 6 steps.
Network Security - Internet Security for the Enterprise
Information hub for the enterprise discussing network security, storage compliance, CRM, and human resource.
Open ISO 17799 Policies
A public collaberation to document this standard and create compliant security policies.
OSSTMM: Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
A widely used, peer-reviewed, comprehensive methodology for performing security tests.
An Overview of Corporate Computer User Policy
Article discusses the elements of a corporate security policy, which it calls the gateway to a company`s intellectual property. The main threat to information security within a company is its employees. [PDF]
PKI Policy Whitepaper
Provides general information about PKI policy, the role that policy plays in a PKI and how that policy applies to both traditional and PKI-enabled business environments. [PDF]
Policy Over Policing
InfoWorld article - It's easy to develop e-mail and Internet policies, but education and documentation are crucial to their success.
P3P Guiding Principles
Principles behind the W3C Platform for Privacy Preferences initiative.
Return on Information Security Investment
Assess your company's Return on Information Security Investment
RFC2196 (Site Security Handbook)
a guide to developing computer security policies and procedures for sites that have systems on the Internet. Published 1997.
SANS InfoSec Reading Room
Articles on security policy and other information security topics.
Information portal with focus on policies, protocols and standards
A substantial collection of papers and articles on the development and implementation of security policies.
Site Security Policy Development
This paper outlines some issues that the writer of a Site Computer Security Policy may need to consider when formulating such a document.
Structured Approach to Computer Security
A security policy is a set of rules written in general terms stating what is permitted and what is not permitted in a system during normal operation.
Understanding the Virus Threat and Developing Effective Anti-Virus Policy
This paper focuses on providing the reader with an overview of the current virus landscape and aids in developing best practice anti-virus policies.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Security standards, transactions and code set standards, identifier standards, mailing lists, implementation guides, and administrative simplification.
What makes a good security policy and why is one necessary?
Security does not come from automated applications, rather it is compromised of security applications or systems, processes and procedures and the personnel to implement both the systems and processes. In order to properly address security, the most fundamental item necessary is a security policy.
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