Proposal Generator
From AT&T, this tool has been designed primarily to translate existing privacy policies into P3P syntax. AT&T states that it is for demonstration purposes and to gain experience with P3P implementations.
A Serious Critique of P3P : Privacy on the Web
This critique covers most of the facets of the P3P platform, examining both the assumptions and implementation. Areas targeted for critical need are: "more specificity in declaring the purpose behind taking information, a means to establish a negotiated contract that goes beyond W3's APPEL (A P3P Preference Exchange Language), a means in the law for policing the contracts obtained, a means for transitivity and universality of the protection on information, and an IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) definition that doesn't require the web (specifically, the HTTP protocol)."
Sites using P3P
A list of sites compliant with the P3P specifications. Compiled by the W3C and a useful reference for learning by example. P3P Viewing Tools
Two free P3P Policy viewing tools. P3Pexplorer: Find and view policy file from a web site. Compact policy viewer: View the compact policy header of a web server.
Web Privacy with P3P
Web Privacy with P3P includes many examples of P3P policies and policy reference files. The longer examples can be downloaded from this web site. The book also includes references to a variety of online resources. The URLs for these resources are also available at this site.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) P3P Validator
This P3P Validator is compatible with P3P spec from Sep 15, 2000 to Sep 28, 2001. Test you implementation's compliancy and be alerted to errors.
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