W3C Security Resources
Links to security initiatives such as PICS Signed Labels, and XML-DSig. (W3C)
Why the Internet is not secure.
An explanation of why consumer communications over the Internet are presently not secure.
About.com Internet/Network Security
Featuring articles and web links on Internet and network security for the Unix and Windows platforms.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
A searchable database of internet security problems.
Dingbat's Warehouse
Information about viruses, intrusion detection software, personal firewalls, and privacy. Hosts a streaming webcast called The Byte Show on security-related topics; CD-ROMs of interviews and software available.
Dutch Security Information Network
Security news and links in English and Dutch.
Firstmonday - Covert Channels in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Article on how to secretly transmit information using TCP headers.
Intrusion Detection FAQ
Frequently asked questions about intrusion detection, from the SANS Institute.
UK government security service to help protect computers, mobile phones and other devices from malicious attack. Offers advice, bulletins, glossary, library and links plus an alerting service.
My online security
Security portal, providing internet security related news, resources, tools and services.
Network Security, Filters and Firewalls
General introduction to network security issues and solutions in the Internet
Operation Security
Directory of links and tools.
Stay Safe Online
Tools and resources to empower home users, small businesses, schools and universities to stay safe online.
Offers news, tutorials, articles, and forum.
W3C Security Resources
Links to security initiatives such as PICS Signed Labels, and XML-DSig. (W3C)
Why the Internet is not secure.
An explanation of why consumer communications over the Internet are presently not secure.
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