Battles in the Backcourt
Young adult fiction. The story of young Randy Mathews, an 8th grader who loves basketball but sometimes is his own worst enemy.
Crime of the Millennia
The discovery of the Fountain of Youth and its grisly location.
Dangerous Game
Interactive action-adventure novel set in East Africa. Hypertext, animation, sound, music and may alter your browser settings.
Freedom's Fyre
Carl Segor's story of how science, with its roots in philosophy, enables men to create technology that serves their interests.
Just Away from Home
Shelly Williams' first work of fiction.
Lords of Darkness
An E-Novel by Thomas Doran. The tale of Sawney Bean, Scotland's most notorious serial killer.
The Noble Prince
Young-adult novel which is interspersed with the characters and history of 13th c. medieval England and Ireland.
Sir Wantsalot and the Armor of Light
A wacky young knight from Camelot journeys into the future, seeking his moral and ethical enlightenment.
Walking With Elephants
Meet Suze Hall, a victim of the Women's Movement. E-book for sale by author.
The Wampum Keeper
A historical novel eBook chronicling the fortunes of the wampum keeper and his family when an Iroquois League army invades their town.
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