Memoirs of a Papillon
Genevieve, a two-year-old papillon, takes you into the inner sanctum of dogdom, revealing canine secrets never before shared with humans.
Plane Insanity
A flight attendant's tales of sex, rage, and queasiness at 30,000 feet; excerpts, reviews, and author details.
The Prophit
Social satire in the style of Gibran's The Prophet. Includes book review from Los Angeles Free Press. W.W. Kushner Publisher.
The Right Time
How to know the right time for just about anything.
Short Humorous Skits For Seniors
Dirk Singlerling's booklet for theater groups.
The Slacker Confessions
Tommy Campbell's website featuring his book, with excerpts, video, photographs and contact information.
Snippets of Life
Peter Stockill's view of the world.
Willow Tree Books
Wayne Allred's humorous, sarcastic, satirical books.
Women From Bras, Men From Penus: A Parody
Anna Collins and Elliot Sullivan's parody of 'Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus'.
The Yankee Chick's Survival Guide to Texas
Providing essential knowledge for the Texas transplant.
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