Tutorials on simple and complex tricks with web client programming in JavaScript, CSS, and dHTML (msie). Free Scripts. Best viewed with Microsoft IE.
Price, Jason - TuxCode
NetObjects Fusion tutorial and downloads. Mounting ISO images driver for Windows 2000/XP. Delphi and Palm programming, web design links.
Resume of Internet programming, portfolio, and display of web development projects.
Rodney WebLogs
Information, references and resources with tips and tricks for Mac OS X and links to related sites.
Samuel, Dilip
Resume. Valid HTML and XHTML tricks, HTML optimization.
Scarfe, Tim -
Covers DHTML, Databases, .NET, web standards, web applications, data modelling and distributed systems. Curriculum Vitae, journal, projects, photos.
Secasiu, Mihai - SimScripts
Sim_VHUM is a Virtual Hosting User Manager. SimFreeVH is an addon for Ensim Webppliance that enables offer free hosting. Libproxies is a library for linux, that can be used with HTTP proxies to redirect some connections.
Shah, Vishal
Algorithms, artificial intelligence, distributed computing, internet programming articles. Blogs, events. Personal and family photos.
Multimedia resources: Animations, graphics, 3D-effects. Javascripts, Java applets, VB scripts. Natures, flowers, car world images.
Sims, Steve
Free web design resources: PHP, ASP, Javascript, DHTML code and scripts; website templates. Webmaster links.
Snook, Jonathan - Snook's Technical Reference
A collection of articles covering out-of-the-ordinary solutions. Covering many technologies such as ActiveX, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript. Also resume, Dreamweaver extensions.
Personal site for a software or web developer which features my resume and code samples.
Steve Sizemore's Homeworld
Includes photographs, developer links and resources.
Stevens, Cameron
Skills, abilities and accomplishments. Graphic arts, photography. Downloads.
Taylor, David
Tips, links and resources for web developers in both client/server side scripting as well as the Portfolio and CV.
Thompson, Alexander
Tutorials on learning Cascading Style Sheets, Javascript, Frames, Basic HTML, Forms and Tables. A link page linking you to many other tutorials.
Thompson, Christian
Descriptions and source code for ColdFusion programming projects. Photos.
Tony Chilvers
A brief introduction to hypertext (HTML) where HTML came from the development and history and how it is used.
Tonya Web Developer
CV, examples of web development works. HTML code hints. Journal, fun staff, photos.
Valiaveedu, Roby
Introduction to web programming. Teach your self. Includes DataBase, Java Collections API, Java Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans, Java, C++, Perl, CGI, ColdFusion, and software engineering.
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