A scanner and lalr(1) parser generator. It has features like automatic derivation of depth grammar, production of the abstract syntax tree including its C interface and preserves full source information to faciliate source-source translation.
The SYNTAX System
A set of tools for the design and implementation of the front-end part of translators. The SYNTAX tools allow the generation of analyzers and the compilation of source texts with those analyzers. This has all the capabilities of lex and yacc plus some additional features including better error processing, i.e. an automatic (and tunable) error repair and recovery mechanism.
A parsergenerator, a simple c++ interpreter and an interactive debugger combined to a visual development environment, which analyzes, evaluates, converts texts immediately.
Toy Parser Generator for Python
TPG is a parser generator for Python. Given a simple attributed grammar, TPG produces a Python Recursive Descent Parser. It is simple and useful for small parsers of everyday life.
Turbo Pascal Lex/Yacc
a compiler generator for Turbo Pascal and compatibles. The package contains two programs, TP Lex and Yacc, which are approximately compatible with the UNIX utilities Lex and Yacc, but are written in and produce code for the Turbo Pascal programming language. The present version works with all recent flavours of Turbo/Borland Pascal, including Delphi and Free Pascal Compiler, a GPL'ed Turbo Pascal-compatible compiler which currently runs on DOS and Linux.
Visual Parse++ 4.0
The tool allows visual design of lexers and parsers for use in C++, Java, Delphi and Visual Basic applications under UNIX, Linux and Windows/NT. New to version 4.0 is support for XML, XPath, XSLT, XPointer, XQL, DTD and Namespaces.
VLDesk (Visual Language Desk)
A powerful tool for the automatic generation of Visual Programming Environments. It's new rewoked version of Visual Language Compiler-Compiler (VLCC).
Yacc++(R) and the Language Objects Library
Object-oriented rewrite of Lex and Yacc for C++, with automatic AST class generation, grammar inheritance, minimal state ELR(1) and technology. (Commercial package)
YAY - Yet Another YACC
Closed-source, but free LALR(2) parser generator, accepts yacc input with some extensions.
YooLex (Yet another Object-Oriented Lex)
A Flex like scanner code generator, but it generates C++ scanner classes that are re-entrant and compatible with the newer standard of C++/STL. Multiple scanner classes and instances can co-exist in a program without tweaking of macros.
AnaGram: LALR Parser Generator
AnaGram provides a powerful grammar notation, special features for maintenance of highly configurable parsers, visual parsing and unique interactive debugging tools, supporting thread-safe parsers. The program produces C/C++ parsers for use on any platform and runs under Win9x/NT. A free trial copy is available.
BtYacc: BackTracking Yacc
A modified version of yacc that supports automatic backtracking and semantic disambiguation to parse ambiguous grammars. It also has syntactic sugar for inherited attributes.
BtYacc patches: BackTracking Yacc
The version of BtYacc on suffers from a few minor, but annoying bugs. This is a page with patches.
A small, flexible parsing engine with practically unlimited backtracking capability. [Commercial]
Coco/R compiler generator
Coco/R combines the functionality of the well-known UNIX tools lex and yacc, to form an extremely easy to use compiler generator that generates recursive descent parsers, their associated scanners, and (in some versions) a driver program, from attributed grammars (written using EBNF syntax with attributes and semantic actions) which conform to the restrictions imposed by LL(1) parsing (rather than LALR parsing, as allowed by yacc).
A Compact Guide to Lex and Yacc
Tutorial in Lex and Yacc, tools that simplify compiler construction.
Computer Advance
Free IDE for Windows featuring the programming language Construct. Stand-alone programs can be built from 14K and up. Notably parsing and generation of VBScript-based translators towards Construct is supported.
CppCC (C++ Compiler Compiler)
a scanner+LL(k = 1..Inf) parser generator for C++. Allows easy top-down description of grammars in an intuitive and extensible manner. Good generated code speed (as comared to GNU Flex/Bison). [Open source, GPL]
Depot4 homepage
A simple to use translator generator.
A compiler compiler that uses the Extended Affix Grammar (EAG) formalism which describes both the context free and context sensitive syntax of language. The compiler generates either a recognizer or a transducer or a translator or a syntax-directed editor for a described language.
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