The New Lab
San Francisco lab offering mail order processing services.
Northern Artists
Offers a full range of film and digital services for 35mm, 120, and APS. Northern Artists Photofinishing and Digital Imaging Lab has been serving Toronto Canada since 1979.
Northwest Photo and Digital
Full service lab offering one hour photo, next day, video transfer, custom digital services, and photo CD.
Paris Photo Lab & Imaging
Professional Custom Photo Lab and Digital service Bureau in Los Angeles.
PC35 Watercolor Renditions
Create watercolor/oil painting renditions from your photos and computer images. 8-color Colorspan quality printed onto canvas, Giclee, and other fine art media.
PDQ One Hour Photo
Offers a range of processing services for 35mm, APS, 120, and 220 film, as well as digital scanning, custom printing, and transfers from slides to film. Also sells photo paper and chemistry, and photo accessories.
Pechman Professional Imaging
Innovative optical or digital photofinishing lab serving professional photographers. Kaukauna, WI.
Photofinishing needs including prints from digital cameras and email. WI.
Photo Depot
For all your film developing, and digital imaging needs. Digital files from prints and prints from digital files. Leetsdale, PA
Photo Express
Providing photo developing, processing, printing, and photographic supplies. UK
The Photo Express
Full line of photo finishing and processing services including enlargements, digital prints, color copies, Christmas cards and prints without negatives. Located in Kirkwood Mall, Bismarck, ND.
Photo F8
Développement photo en 1 heure, scanning negatifs avec mise sur cdroms. Tirage photo numeriques sur papier argentique.
Photo Heck
Featuring complete photo processing, enlargements and digital services. Santa Ynez Valley, California.
The Photo Store
A complete photofinishing lab incorporating the latest film processing, portraiture, event photography and digital imaging services. Amarillo, Texas.
Photo Tech
Specializing in custom processing, enlargements, greeting cards and announcements, and digital editing services.
Offeirng digital prints and related gift items.
Photografix Restoration and Processing
Custom repairs of your treasured old photographs, and quality developing of your color and B&W photo needs. E-6 slide processing, movies, digital camera, enlargements and mail order.
Photolab Yves Thomas
Includes industry and school printing, weddings and digital printing. Located in Quebec. Available in English and French.
Photomania USA
Prints from digital formats, 35mm, APS, and 120 film. Inkjet prints and laminate to 42" wide. Film and print scanning and digital files to film.
Photos Fast - World Wide Photo
Offers mail order film processing and development for prints, slides and transparencies, enlargements and reprints, and digital imaging services.
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