Anders Fagerjord is a Norwegian researcher at the University of Oslo who writes about the web, media and convergence.
Random debris about design, experimental sound, and sushi.
Swansong of an Eternity
No kitties were harmed in the making of this blog.
Sweat Flavored Gummi
A Carnie's meandering journey through society at large.
Sweet Blog o' Mine
Chronicle of life and times in sunny New York City. Alive and (sorta) kicking.
Sweet Sentiment's Cyber Diary
Ayeen's journal.
Sweeties, Pies and Ginger
Sustinance for a fat Boab.
Swirly Girl
A lot to say, sometimes.
Because nobody likes a smartarse.
The Synchronicity of Indeterminacy
Combines found photos with one-minute short stories inspired by the photos.
Synthetic Zero
Thoughts on art, philosophy, design, science, postmodern culture, architecture (in the general sense), ideas, events, and observations.
Szilagyi's Weborama
The cracked ramblings of a married suburban couple.
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