Computer/technology business news and reviews. Companion site to Infoworld magazine.
Intelligent Enterprise Magazine
Focused on business intelligence (OLAP, data mining, and reporting), data warehousing, customer relationship management, data/application integration, knowledge management, and scalable e-business. From CMP Media.
Internet Telephony Magazine
Covering the latest news and featuring original articles on Voice over IP products and services. Features in-house product testing and reviews.
LAPTOP Magazine
Reviews of mobile products, interviews with industry leaders and coverage of the latest technologies.
Learning Circuits magazine
ASTD's online magazine offers feature articles, columns, and interactive areas for everyone interested in workplace learning issues.
Linux Magazine
In-depth reports, news and reviews from the world of Linux.
Mobile Magazine
Magazine about mobile technology, including notebooks, cell phones, PDAs, cameras, wireless, and mobile gaming.
MSDN Magazine
Developers' guide to Microsoft tools, development environments, and technologies for Windows and the Web.
Net Life Magazine
Focuses on web site and services for people in Ontario and Quebec Canada
.NET Magazine
Explanation, development and implementation of .NET-generation technologies in the enterprise. From Fawcette Technical Publications.
Network Computing
Enterprise product reviews, comparisons, analysis and advice for IT professionals.
New Architect
Focused on Internet strategy and technology issues. Features research, case studies, reviews and archives.
Nibble Magazine and Books
MicroSparc - A history of the Apple II programming magazine Nibble with issues available on CD. Covered the Apple II Plus, Apple IIe, Apple IIc and others.
OutSourcingWorld Magazine
Covers outsourced IT services and IT-enabled business process services.
Palmtop and PalmUser magazines
Highlights print coverage of Psion/EPOC and Palm OS.
PC Advisor
Online edition, with reviews, best buys and tricks and tips. Much of site requires free registration.
PC Answers - your essential computer resource
Hundreds of pages of searchable hints and tips for PCs. Daily freeware download and competition.
PC Format
UK magazine for gaming and personal computing. Hardware and software reviews, tips, and downloads.
PC History
An online magazine devoted to the history of all antique personal computers that existed since the 1970's It is sectioned by brands or types of personal computers.
PC Magazine
Complete guide to PCs, peripherals and upgrades. Labs-based reviews of computer- and Internet-related products and services, technology news and trends, shopping advice, and price comparisons.
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