Carter, Shannon
Digital portfolio of flash, web design, and illustration.
Carvalho, Morena
A Miami Beach, USA based designer with experience in broadcast, web and graphic design.
Caudell, Mark
BOXED:IN is the personal space of Mark Caudell, a designer based in the south of the UK, experienced in all industry standard software. The space is used for all sorts of different things depending on what it's needed for but a portfolio is always available.
Caudell, Mark
BOXED:IN is the personal portfolio of Mark Caudell, showcasing his work in web design and photography.
Celik, Emrah
Web designer and developer. Personal website with resume, works, and projects.
Chamberlin, Bil
Flash animation, fluid motion graphics, rich design, (web site development, branding, logo) custom illustration and multimedia experiences.
Chicchiero, Carla
ActionScript, PhotoShop and an Italian blog.
Chung, Philip
Web design and Flash development.
Cockerill, Simon
An exploration: Multimedia art, technology and experience.
Condouris, Michael
Specialties include interactive features for promotional and educational sites. Timelines, maps, games, and Flash.
Connolly, Gavin
Multimedia design including web design, Flash 5 design and experiments, HTML, and general graphic design projects.
Cook, Wes
Digital portfolio consisting of graphic design, web authoring, audio and video production.
Cox, Luuk
A portfolio of Flash animations and original music.
Cramer, Ryan
Flash portfolio featuring recent works. Site design style inspired by modern architecture and technology.
Crozier, Aaron
Specializes in Flash development and design, and also creates streaming video applications.
Cummings, Sarah
Fun Flash portfolio web site, includes Flash animations and graphic design artwork.
de Jardines, Nick
Portfolio website of designer Nick de Jardine.
Eck, Lisa
Portfolio of work created and developed in Flash.
Eglot, Henry
Specializing in dynamic Flash web development, interactive design, digital artwork, information architecture, and multimedia creations.
Feng, Lui Chuian
HTTP lab: Flash homepage, portfolio, projects and resume.
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