Black Blogz
For black bloggers. The intent is not to necessarily exclude non-black bloggers, it is meant to showcase journals written from a black perspective.
The Blawg Ring
A blawg is a frequently-updated website dealing with legal issues, or the issues of people in the legal profession, or both.
Blog Canada
A ring of Canadian weblogs, eh.
Blog Girls
A ring for girls addicted to blogging.
Blog Girls
You must have a weblog, you should probably be a girl.
Blog Girls Design
For blogs designed by girls. French and English versions of the site.
Blog Oklahoma Net Ring
Open to all Oklahoman's who blog.
The BLOG Users Ring
The ring exists to create a community of bloggers who use the BLOG software. BLOG is a freeware application created and maintained by Fahim Farook.
Blog W Sports
For blogs that frequently talk about sports, a favorite team, their competition results, or sport related activities. Most sport sites will be accepted too.
This ring is for people who keep weblogs in which they have their own domain name.
Bloggers of Ontario Unite
For residents of Ontario, Canada.
Bloggers Over Forty
For all bloggers who have made it into at least their fourth decade of life.
Blogging Bitches
Women webloggers who aren't afraid to say what they think.
Blogging Blokes
A group of male bloggers. Members should probably like cars, football, and beer.
Blogging Brits
Primarily you should also be resident, or have been born, somewhere in the United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Blogging Christines
Ring for bloggers named Christine, or any variation thereof.
Blogging Mommies
A webring for mothers who love to write about their life as a parent, children and/or family. Dads are also welcome.
For people addicted to their weblogs.
Webring for webloggers who love their sites.
BlogPlates Net Ring
For designers with templates for weblogs/ journals.
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