Chat Word Dictionary
A to Z listing of commonly used chat words and their meanings.
Giving advice on teenage safety in chat rooms.
Information resource for people communicating on the Internet.
Checklist: Chat on Web-Sites
Checklist of points to consider when adding chat to a Web site.
3D Chat Programs Review
A review of 3D chat programs, comparing prices, number of people in each, avatar types and world costs.
Emoticons or Smileys
Help to show emotions while chatting or writing your email.
Grossman, Steve
Information and tips about computers, the Internet, chatting, and the author's favorite toys and tools.
Internet Chatting for Beginners
An instructional guide to internet chatting for beginners. Site includes free email and a free chat room.
Entertainment and communication on the internet including original chat guide, e-postcards and multiplayer online games.
Lingo to Word
Information on slang, abbreviations, emoticons and catch phrases used in text messages. Features translation service from "message lingo" to standard English, and vice versa.
A1Chat Rooms
Chat resource offering assistance to new chatters and the more experienced alike. Includes links section.
BBC ChatGuide
Offers tips and suggestions for keeping safe when using Internet chat. Separate sections dedicated to adults, teenagers and young children.
Chat 101
Basic help for chatters: guides to common abbreviations, general and MSN emoticons, terminology, and chat etiquette. Also includes links to chatrooms.
Chat Guide
Guide to chatting on the Internet. Covers chat rooms, chat programs, server lists, help files and FAQs.
Chat Help
A beginners guide to Internet chat. Simple easy to follow instructions, and a topic index.
Chat Word Dictionary
A to Z listing of commonly used chat words and their meanings.
Giving advice on teenage safety in chat rooms.
Information resource for people communicating on the Internet.
Checklist: Chat on Web-Sites
Checklist of points to consider when adding chat to a Web site.
3D Chat Programs Review
A review of 3D chat programs, comparing prices, number of people in each, avatar types and world costs.
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