Technodesign Ltd.
Fabricates raw and finished synthetic optical crystals. Moscow.
Triformix, Inc.
Design, manufacture, and assembly of precision polymer injection molded optical subassemblies. California.
Unaxis Optics/Unaxis Balzers Ltd.
Provider of coated optical components and subassemblies. Specializing in projection display, lighting, imaging, biotechnology, automotive, and instrumentation. Liechtenstein.
Universal Optics Manufacturing Company
Optical components manufacturer in China.
Valley Design
Edge and angle polishing of waveguides, edge mirrors and beamsplitters in fused silica, silicon, sapphire, LiN, Pyrex, LiTa03 and other materials used in optical and optoelectric devices.
Wasatch Photonics, Inc.
Designer and manufacturer of volume phase gratings, holographic gratings, and diffractive optics. California.
Westchester Technologies
Manufacturer of precision optics including lenses, mirrors, windows, prisms, and micro optical elements. New York.
WZW-optic AG
Optical shop offering cutting, grinding, polishing, coating, bonding, and assembly of precision optics. Switzerland.
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