Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, 1815-1852
Links and references.
Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace
Brief biography, by Dr. Betty Toole, along with a portrait and links.
Ada Byron Lovelace
Portrait, biographical facts, and anecdotes.
Ada Lovelace
Portrait and biography.
Ada Lovelace: Founder of Scientific Computing
Biography and portrait.
The Ada Picture Gallery
Includes a selection of portraits of Ada, Countess of Lovelace.
Ada: The Enchantress of Numbers
Comments on her, and her work, from a selection of people and publications in the field.
Augusta Ada King Countess of Lovelace
Short biography and four portraits.
The Babbage Pages: Ada Lovelace
Brief biography with references.
Happy Birthday Ada
Biography and small portrait.
Women in Mathematics (Ada Lovelace)
Biography by Marni Mishna.
Tools For Thought: The First Programmer Was a Lady
By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on Lady Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage, Difference and Analytical Engines. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews. (June, 1985)
Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, 1815-1852
Links and references.
Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace
Brief biography, by Dr. Betty Toole, along with a portrait and links.
Ada Byron Lovelace
Portrait, biographical facts, and anecdotes.
Ada Lovelace
Portrait and biography.
Ada Lovelace: Founder of Scientific Computing
Biography and portrait.
The Ada Picture Gallery
Includes a selection of portraits of Ada, Countess of Lovelace.
Ada: The Enchantress of Numbers
Comments on her, and her work, from a selection of people and publications in the field.
Augusta Ada King Countess of Lovelace
Short biography and four portraits.
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