Alwyn Company, Inc.
Creams and shampoos for skin and scalp relief from psoriasis, dryness, and dandruff. Highlighting product ingredients and recommended usage.
Beat Psoriasis
Portable lights and handheld wands utilizing ultraviolet radiation to spot-treat skin problems.
Offers topical treatments, soap and shampoo, and an internal supplement. Highlighting product ingredients, medical glossary, and a newsletter.
Dermalogix Partners, Inc.
Soap, shampoo, skin cream, and topical spray with zinc pyrithione as the active ingredient. Highlighting clinical study data and pharmaceutical information.
Exorex - Europe
Lotions, creams, and shampoos for skin and scalp care. Includes product profile and clinical study data.
Naturally Pure
Chemical free gel and skin oil from New Zealand. Features product ingredients and expected benefits.
Offering an ointment and scalp treatment for this disorder.
Psoriasis Natural Products Center
Offers natural and alternative methods for controlling and relieving psoriasis.
Psoriasis Remedy
Offers creams and shampoo for skin and scalp care, from natural ingredients.
Saidel, Inc.
Ultraviolet floor lamps to treat skin conditions. Includes phototherapy definitions and expected benefits.
Sleep Sauna
Occlusive body suit designed to improve the effectiveness of topical treatments. Includes expected benefits and product guarantee.
Solarc Systems, Inc.
Ultraviolet phototherapy equipment for home or clinical use. Also offers replacement parts and accessories, and used equipment.
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