Aroma Cushion
A soft cushion with a filling that conserves heat and is impregnated with essential oil.
Celtic Wheatbags
Organic grain wheatbags to relax and ease aches and pains.
Champagne On Ice
Herb and flaxseed packs and comfort pillows.
Dream Pillows from Nature
Herbal hot and cold therapy packs for humans and pets.
Herbal Pillows Hawaii
Eye, back, and neck pillows for pain relief.
Lavender House
Custom eye pillows filled with lavender essential oil and flax seed.
Lavender Wheat Bags
Therapeutic wheat bags with lavender for soothing aches, pains, and muscle stress.
Meria Craft
Handmade flaxseed, buckwheat hull, and rice pillows and eyemasks.
Nature's Way Rx
Moist heat or cold herbal packs for pain relief. Also offers western wear.
Therapeutic herbal pillows to help with sore muscles, migraines, and stress.
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