Add Partners Limited
Investment focus: early to late stage European startups in information technology.
Focus: news service for global venture capital and private equity professionals.
Ariadne Capital
Focus: part of a new European model, helping manage investor exits, drive consolidation and leverage entrepreneurialism.
Focus: international, for-profit, high technology, business incubator.
Baring Communications Equity
Investment focus: media and communications focused fund for Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS.
Business Angels Connect
Focus: global services package to young entrepreneurs (consultancy, housing, Business Angels Network .) and promising investment opportunities to investors.
CGS Management
Investment focus: medium sized technology based European companies with an emphasis on Switzerland.
Cobblestone Private Equity
Focus: venture-oriented direct investments in emerging European technology companies seeking expansion and USA market penetration.
Focus: leading European technology executives and investors.
Delta Partners
Focus: venture capital and private equity early-stage funding to high technology companies in Europe and Ireland.
A pan-European investment group focused on the global Internet market.
European Equity Partners
Investment focus: Euro one-half to three million initially and up to Euro five to eight million based on meeting key milestones and criteria.
Financière Natexis Banques Populaires
Focus: private equity investment holding company active in all segments of the business including venture capital.
Hunter Lovec
Focus: consultants helping Central European companies solve their financial problems and achieve their financial goals.
Investment focus: European and South-East Asian startups.
IDEA Network
Focus: network of international experts and consultants working under donor funded projects.
Innova Capital
Focus: advises private-equity funds with more than Euro 300 million for investments into profitable companies in the EU-accession countries of Central Europe.
Internet Ventures Scandinavia
Focus: adds capital and partner experience to unique Internet ventures.
Investment focus: later-stage private equity investing in companies in Austria, Switzerland and Germany.
Investindustrial Holdings Limited
Specializes in medium-sized companies, principally in Italy and Spain. Features strategy, portfolio and news sections.
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