Avalon Equity Partners
Invests in and helps develop privately held ventures in the media, communications and information services industries.
Avocet Ventures
Focus: strategic investments and corporate acquisitions in the healthcare and technology sectors.
Avogadro Partners
Focus: venture development group and venture capitalist seeking early-stage opportunities in microtechnology and nanotechnology.
BA Venture Partners
Focus: investing in early stage companies in broadband and wireless communications, software and biotechnology areas.
Bedrock Capital Partners
Investment focus: early stage companies in the communications, information technology, and healthcare industries.
Berkshire Partners
Focus: leveraged buy-outs, recapitalizations, industry consolidations in telecommunications, transportation, business services and manufacturing.
Bessemer Venture Partners
Investment focus: entrepreneurial companies in healthcare, information systems, telecommunications and retailing.
BioAsia Investments
Investment focus: U.S. life sciences companies with late-stage products and/or platform technologies.
Blackwater Capital
Investment focus: small private growth companies and/or under-represented small-cap public companies.
Blue Chip Venture Company
Investment focus: start-ups in Internet infrastructure, e-commerce, information technology, telecommunications and healthcare services areas.
Blue Dot Ventures
Investment focus: information technology, Internet technology, optoelectronics-fiber optics and new media.
Blue Water Capital
Investment focus: expansion-stage technology and services companies, including software, Internet, Intranet, e-commerce, telecommunications and multimedia companies.
Blueprint Ventures
Early-stage venture capital firm focused on emerging communications and internet infrastructure companies.
BR Johnson Group
Focus: venture development company working with start-up and early-stage companies principally in the health, beauty and entertainment industries.
Brentwood Venture Capital
Investment focus: start-up and early stage Internet, software and healthcare companies.
Brill Capital
Focus: identifies and evaluates growing companies that have the potential to achieve leadership positions within their industries.
Broadview Capital Partners
Investment focus: information technology, communications and digital media companies or companies driven by developments in these industries.
Cardinal Health Partners
Investment focus: early-stage e-health and information technology, health care services and life sciences.
Carlson Group
Investment focus: early stage investments in the telecommunications and semiconductor industry.
Catalyst Venture Partners
Investment focus: help technology and media sector companies start, grow, and develop.
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