Ken's Relics
Precolumbian and ancient Indian artifacts.
Kitfox's Arts and Crafts
Soapstone carvings, instruments, jewelry, and other crafts from Chumash artist Michael Phillips.
Lakota Jewelry
Custom fabricated hand engraved plains Lakota indian jewelry. Rodeo buckles and various awards.
Lodgepole Gallery
Offering contemporary fine arts and crafts by Blackfeet and other Northern Plains Indian artists.
Lomahongva's Fine Art
Features katsinas and paintings by contemporary Hopi artist Gerry Quotskuyva.
Long Ago and Far Away
Crafts store specializing in Inuit and American Indian styles of sculpture and jewelry. Also carries Vermont furniture.
Long Soldier's Legends
Drums, artwork, and jewelry from an Oglala Sioux artist. Some of the proceeds go to Lakota charities.
Luchia's Southwestern Art
Pottery, jewelry and artwork by Indian and southwestern artists.
Made On the Rez
Original handmade arts and crafts made by Native American artists and artisans of the Lakota Nation.
Maracle Mohawk Gift Centre
Crafts store on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory offers First Nations-made moccasins, jewellery, paintings, prints and leather fashions.
Martha Hopkins Struever
Contemporary and antique Indian jewelry, pottery, and artwork.
McGees Indian Art Gallery
Offering Hopi arts and crafts including pottery, kachinas, baskets, and jewelry.
Micmac Crafts
Moccasins, clothing, jewelry, and dreamcatchers made by native Micmac craftsmen.
Morning Star Gallery
Offering antiques from more than fifty North American tribes.
Mountain Rose Gallery
Southwest Indian jewelry, baskets, and art, featuring pottery by Ute artist Norman Lansing.
5 Nations Indian Art Gallery
Offering handmade Mohawk and other Iroquois arts and crafts including jewellery, peacepipes, dolls, and dream-catchers.
Native American Collections
Contemporary Southwest Indian pottery, jewelry and folk art.
Native American Nations
Silver jewelry, regalia, crafts and craft supplies from twenty Indian tribes.
Native American Traditions
Selling jewelry, art, music and artifacts.
Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center
American Indian crafts and Dakota language books and tapes from a non-profit Yankton Sioux women's center.
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