Contract Log Analysis Ltd
Wireline logging program design, supervision and quality control. Analysis of log data and reporting of results.
Daniel E. Shier
Specializing in pre-1965 well logs. Reliable porosities from old neutron curves from West Texas, FSU.
Donald G. Hill
Petrophysics, formation evaluation, well log analysis, borehole geophysics, subsurface geology, geophysics
Henderson Petrophysics
Wireline log analysis, field studies, wellsite geology, reserves calculation, database development. Source rock analysis from logs.
Kirk Petrophysics
Wellsite core handling and preservation services. LITHOTARGE foam injection for stabilising of soft/friable core
MRI Petrophysical Applications Center
Application of non-imaging and imaging nuclear magnetic resonance to formation evaluation and reservoir engineering. Associated with Texas Tech University.
Oil and Gas Evaluations and Consulting
Log digitizing/editing, petrophysics, wellsite quality control, pore pressure analysis, completion/production analysis.
Opus Petroleum Engineering Ltd.
Provides formation water interpretation and training for the petroleum industry and publisher of the "Opus Handbook - Formation Waters of Western Canada."
Petrophysical Consulting Inc.
Mapping subsurface reservoir properties using seismic, well log, and core data. Based in California.
Petrophysics Pty Ltd.
Formation evaluation consultancy providing wireline log analysis, integrated petrophysics studies, training courses.
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