Community Electric Cooperative
Member-owned, not-for-profit rural electric utility headquartered in Windsor, Virginia. Provides electric service to approximately 9,500 residential and commercial services. Service territory includes portions of the City of Suffolk, Isle of Wight and Southampton counties, along with portions of Sussex and Surry counties.
Co-Mo Electric Cooperative
Not-for-profit electric distribution utility serving Central Missouri. Offers online payment system, member handbook and contact information.
Consumers Energy
Consumer owned electric, natural gas and energy services cooperative in Marshalltown, Iowa. Services, service area, and contact information.
Cooperative Electric Energy Supply
Assists South Carolina Electric Cooperatives in their material supply needs. Includes operations, contacts, and a catalog.
Cooperative Light & Power
Two Harbors, Minnesota, based association provides member information, electric and non-electric services, and history.
Cooperative Research Network
Advanced research on creating energy cooperatives, with news and events listings, and links to advisory groups.
Coosa Valley Electric Co-operative, Inc.
Member owned co operative located near Birmingham, Alabama. Information about products and services. Includes a residential energy calculator.
Copper Valley Electric
CVEA provides electric service to over 3,550 members in the Copper River Basin and Valdez areas in the state of Alaska.
Corn Belt Power
Electricity supplied serves farms, rural residences, small towns, businesses and industries across several counties in north central Iowa.
Cotton Electric Co-op
Provides service in eight counties of Southwest Oklahoma. Includes history, location and staff details, and information about school support programs. [May not work in all browsers]
Covington Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Member-owned electric cooperative serving rural communities in South Alabama. Features residential calculator, energy saving advice, and contact details.
Coweta-Fayette Electric Membership Corporation
Georgia based energy cooperative that offers electrical, natural gas, and security services. Provides rate information, products and services descriptions, and energy saving tips.
Cuivre River Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Non-profit electric utility owned by members in Lincoln, Pike, St. Charles and Warren counties in Missouri. Co-op profile, service offered, and contact details.
Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative
Edgeley, North Dakota based utility offering services to 5,000 customers in southeast North Dakota. Product and service information. Contact details.
Deaf Smith Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Serving Deaf Smith, Parmer, and Castro counties, as well as part of Oldham County in the Texas Panhandle, USA. Mission statement, service contract, and energy saving information.
Decatur County REMC
Member-owned electric cooperative serving Decatur, Ripley, Jennings, Franklin, Rush and Bartholomew counties in Indiana. Includes a list of products and services.
Delaware Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Serving Kent and Sussex counties DE, USA. View annual meeting details, news, deregulation information, safety, history, and pay bills online.
Delta-Montrose Electric Association
Serving its members and communities through the delivery and application of energy and related activities.
Dixie Electric Cooperative
Serving approximately 18,000 member-owners in Barbour, Bullock, Lee, Lowndes, Macon, Montgomery, Pike and Tallapoosa counties in Alabama. Details of consumer services, products, and publications.
Dubois Rural Electric Coorperative, Inc.
Provides distribution utility services in Crawford and Dubois Counties and parts of Pike, Perry, Orange and Martin Counties in Indiana. Includes listing of products and services available to members.
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