IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks
The IEEE standard that is incorporating Bluetooth into a more comprehensive solution.
InterEpoch Technology, Inc.
Focuses on Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11-based wireless networking technologies. Products include software, access points, broadband bridges, gateways, and antenna.
Features resources, news, reviews and presss releases, forums and surveys.
The Official Bluetooth Membership Site
Provides discussion groups, marketing and technological resources for developers.
The Wireless Directory
Includes news, products, learning resources, manufacturers, software developers, distributors, and a discussion forum.
Yahoogroup for Bluetooth
Provides a mailing list for discussions on Bluetooth related problems.
Blueserker Bluetooth Blogs.
bluetooth blog and community discussions. (March 16, 2004)
Bluetooth Wireless Products
This site contains Bluetooth enabled products like earpieces, dongles and other Bluetooth enabling products. (March 16, 2004)
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