Buzz Tools Embroidery Solutions
Software tools for editing and management of designs for machine embroidery and cross stitch.
Carol Ann Designs
Offers software packages for hand or machine knitters and pattern drafting software for dressmakers.
Carol Ann Houghton
Offers DesignaKnit and Fittingly Sew software from Soft Byte. Free demonstration disks.
Software for cross stitch and needlecraft charts
Computer Textile Design Group.
Use inexpensive software to extend design skills. Quarterly newsletter for those who join. UK based.
Shareware database program for maintaining inventory on cross stitch threads, charts and projects.
DigiStitch for Windows
Cross stitch software by Creative Craftware. Converts photos to patterns. Free demo available.
DP Software
Offers a chart design application for cross stitch and other charted needlework.
Easy Grapher Needlework Software
Software for cross stitch and other needlework designs.
Easy Lace
Computer program produces pricking charts for bobbin lace. Offers a trial version to download.
Fashion Cad
Software for sewing and dressmaking on a standard PC. Includes pattern design, grading, detailing, and layout.
Offers software for weavers. Includes features, system requirements, gallery of drafts, demo, and schedule of events.
First Stitch
Software for generating and creating smocking plates from pictures, drawings and freehand work.
Fulford Software Solutions
Producers of cross stitch and computer design software, with available modules to expand to other needlecrafts.
Graph Paper Printer
Shareware to print graph paper to scale for various applications including all needlework.
Hobby Ware
Design software offered in three levels: machine embroidery, professional and standard. Demo and viewer versions available.
I·L·Soft Needlework Design Software
Design packages for creating counted cross stitch charts and a design tool for creating lace charts.
Latch Hook Rugware
Software for designing latch hook rugs by drawing or by importing photos or clipart to create patterns.
LNS Software Solutions
Organizing software for cross-stitch, needlepoint, knitting, quilting and sewing, including cataloguing supplies and record-keeping.
Mr. Logo USA
Embroidery software for the home or commercial embroiderer.
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