Underground Aristocracy
Custom Corsets
Vampire Technology
Extreme fashions, fetish, gothic, latex, rubber and vinyl.
Specializing in hand made blood vial fang necklaces and earrings. Designs feature vampire bites embroidered on the neck of every shirt.
Vicious Venus
High end corsets and jewelry
Void Alternative Clothing
Velvet, PVC, leather, rubber, and lace clothing for men and women.
Woe Is Me
Fashion for women including lingerie, dresses, t-shirts and panty sets.
WolfKitten Clothing
Carries an array of unique clothing items for men and women as well as Manic Panic cosmetics and latex necklaces by ArtWith Designs.
Fashion for the gothic, wave and dark-metal generation. Thousands of items.
Zuss Fashion Design
Bicycle innertubes, recycled into eye-catching one-of-a-kind 'hot couture'.
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