Specialty Silicone Products, Inc.
Offers silicone products for consumer and commercial uses, including pharmaceutical and laboratory analysis, high performance automotive and aircraft parts.
Sun Roller Corp
Urethane and rubber rollers for printing, industrial and packaging needs. Produces any groove pattern with precision through the use of computerized and electronic machinery.
Toyo Rubber Products
Manufactures automobile and industrial rubber moulded goods, using natural and synthetic rubbers.
Urethane Roller Specialist, Inc.
Manufactures rubber and urethane industrial rollers for over 30 years. Wide range of compounds and durometers.
Venus Rubbers
Manufactures precision rubber products and rubber components for industrial use.
VIP Rubber Company, Inc.
Manufactures rubber and plastic products. Based in La Habra, California. Polymer chemist on staff.
Manufactures NBR rubber foam and high-end hybrid materials for shock absorption,insulation,cushioning,flotation and acoustic absorption.
Windsor Machine and Stamping Ltd.
Product line includes; rubber isolators, body strut mounts, seals, gaskets, pads, in various polymers.
Zenith Rubber & Plastic Works
Manufacture rubber sheets and insertion, skirt boards, industrial rubber hoses, rubber mats, floor coverings, and rubber molded products.
Zeon Chemicals Europe, Ltd
Manufacturers of synthetic rubbers, develops and produces oil resistant speciality rubbers for automobile components.
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