Multiquest Consultants
We provide consulting services to management for strategic decisions. Our work often falls into the areas of competitive (or business) intelligence and human resources (including recruitment).
Native Intelligence, Inc.
Native American 8(a) firm providing a broad range of IT services - computer security, web design, graphics, writing, editing, and web-based training.
NewMarket Global Consulting Group, LLC
Provides advice on corporate restructuring, strategic analysis, accounting analysis, and strategic alliances; which may include introductions to sources of capital.
Nixel Technology
Consulting in information and technology strategies and designing and managing software projects, working on process reengineering and information management.
Novus, Inc.
Specializes in providing procurement project assistance and support to both public and private organizations in Canada.
Oikonomiki Thessalonikis Ltd
Offers consultancy services in the areas of general business management, supervising and computerisation.
Pannell Kerr Forster of Texas, P.C.
Business consulting, technology, assurance, entrepreneurial advisory and tax solutions.
Partner Database Solutions, Inc.
Providing technical consulting to large, medium and small businesses, targeting key information systems implementations to facilitate our customers efforts to maintain and manage technology and data to improve the quality of information our customers use to make critical corporate decisions.
Relational Logistics Group
Global business and technology consulting group, with concentration in: Reuse, Globalization, E-Commerce, Information Architecture, Database Design, Data Modeling, and Data Standards.
Retail Doctor
A professional consultant for marketing and facilities of independent businesses in the Los Angeles area.
Rolfe & Nolan Global Technology Consultants
Full service consulting in information technology specializing in the financial industry.
ROSS Consultants
Assists customers in understanding and implementing programs and techniques dedicated to improving the performance of individuals and organizations. Specializes in management, human resources and information technologies.
Rutland Service Consultancy
Provides facilities management consulting services focused upon the catering, educational and general services business sectors.
The Sledge Group Consultants, Inc.
Offers support services and educational assistance to disadvantaged, at-risk youth and adults. Lists workshops and other services offered.
Solution Consortium
Consortium of various business and management consulting firms offering capabilities in the business areas of strategic planning, enterprise resource planning and change mangagement.
Sparrowhawk and Heald Ltd
Consultants specialising[sic] in multimedia for education. Firm located in Cambridge, UK.
Steller Carson Associates, LLC
Management consulting firm that provides practical business solutions for the maritime, travel and leisure, and manufacturing industries.
Strategic planning facilitator
A pragmatic strategic planning facilitator with CEO experience guides management through a Team Planning process.
Technology/Engineering Management, Inc.
Specializes in technology forecasting, competitive technology intelligence, technology market assessment, and technology transfer.
Transition Management Group
Specializing in financial performance analysis in the healthcare industry.
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