Association for Women in Communications (AWC)
Professional organization for advancing women across all communications disciplines. Includes membership benefits, news, events calendar, conferences and workshops, educational programs, and contacts.
British Association of Communicators in Business (BACB)
For communicators who produce material primarily as a means of conveying messages between a company or other organisation, and audiences such as its shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees. Information on activities, award programs, training programs and services.
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
Provides products, services, activities and networking opportunities for professionals in public relations, employee communications, marketing communications, public affairs and other forms of communication.
Society of Business Communicators (Queensland)
Professional body for people who need oral, written or visual communications skills to successfully perform their roles in a variety of industries. Includes events calendar, membership information and members only area, along with news and contacts.
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