ASCO Pharm
Providing monitoring, data management, biostatistics, clinical writing and project management services. Paris, France.
Aster Cephac
Clinical and bioanalytical contract research specialized in phase I, phase II and proof of concept studies for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Headquartered in France.
Provides clinical data management, statistics and reporting quality services to the pharmaceutical industry. Also offers specialised recruitment service in the clinical trials arena, providing staff as an interim management project or direct recruitment into your organisation.
Bio-Kinetic Europe, Ltd.
Providing support to the pharmaceutical industry by conducting clinical trials to determine safety, tolerance, and efficacy in Belfast, North Ireland
Provides a wide range of services including clinical pharmacology phase I studies in its two research centres in Rennes and Paris (more than 100 beds total), multinational clinical trials and preclinical pharmacology.
C &T Paradigm
Executes classical phase 1 trials in Belgium in which pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, tolerability and safety of compounds are evaluated in healthy volunteers.
CEPHA s.r.o.
Headquartered in the Czech Republic, conducts Phase I-IV clinical trials, bioavailability and bioequivalence studies, and offers bioanalytical and statistical services.
Operates clinical pharmacology research units, including a sleep lab, and provides multicenter trials management, medical writing, data management, biostatistics, psychometrics and psychophysiology, and consulting services. Germany.
ClinResearch, GmbH
A European full service clinical contract research organisation offering clinical monitoring, data management, statistical consulting and programming, and medical writing.
Offers clinical trial services and consulting for phase 1 through phase 4 trials in Central Europe.
ClinTrial Ltd
Based in Hungary and providing clinical trial services, statistical analysis, medical writing, clinical quality assurance and assessment of cost-effectiveness.
Cognatec Research Centre
Provides phase II-IV clinical trials conduct and management in the Northwest of England, specializing in mental health disorders.
CRID Pharma
Offers full service preparation of clinical trial materials for phase I-IV studies into human and veterinary drugs. Features details of each stage. St Gely du Fesc, France.
CTO Clinical Trial Operations
A full-service European contract research organisation based in the Netherlands providing clinical trials services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.
Dr. M. Koehler GmbH
Providing support to pharmaceutical industry and medical research in design, conduct, analysis and data management in their clinical trials.
Swiss clinical research organization specializing in clinical research, regulatory services and medical marketing support for medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics.
Performs clinical and post marketing surveillance trials using an internet-based electronic data capture (EDC) system.
FOCUS Clinical Drug Development
Based in Germany and offering clinical development services, including a phase I unit with laboratory and data management services.
Provides assistance with study conception, biometry, monitoring, and audit. Includes details of certification and specificity. Rueil-Malmaison, France.
Hungaro Trial
Services include project feasibility analysis, site selection, site initiation, monitoring, audits and project closure. Hungary.
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