Algorithms based on CA Rule110 - Tiles.
Contains papers and other documents by Abdiel Caceres Gonzalez related with computability in normal evolutions of cellular automata, in particular with evolution rule 110, some studies about entropy and tiling with software for mac os X .
Ant for DOS 1.1
An open source implementation of Langton's ant in Q-Basic. Supports older monitors; by Robin Upton.
The CA Extension
An implementation of cellular automata for the GIS software ArcView from ESRI.
Beta version of the Cellular Automata Browser, a combination of Java and Java-Script that allows to browse through a large number of one-dimensional CA-rules, by Martin Schaller.
An application for simulating complex systems; by André Homeyer. Requires Java.
A generic and extensible cellular automaton simulation engine written in Python.
Capow98 - Cellular Automata and Electric Power
A Windows application that can simulate and analyze various one-dimensional and two-dimensional cellular automata, part of the Cellular Automata and Electric Power project lead by Dr. Rudy Rucker.
Cellular Automata and the Edge of Chaos
David J. Eck's Java-illustrated introduction to 1-dimensional cellular automata.
Cellular Automata Generator
An interactive cellular automata generator with C++ source code available for downloading; by Kevin McDermott.
Cellular Automata in Optical Mapping
A Java applet demonstrating cellular automata models of cardiac dynamics; by Gil Bub.
Cellular Automata Laboratory
An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by Rudy Rucker and John Walker.
Cellular Automata Miscellanea
A repository with cellular automata related papers, lectures and software concentrating on Rule 110 by Harold V. McIntosh.
The Cellular Automata Simulation System
A compiler for the Cellang cellular automata programming language, along with the corresponding documentation, viewer, and various tools; by J Dana Eckart.
Cellular Automata Tutorial
A cellular automata tutorial that covers the structure, behaviour and some applications of CA and offers a philosophical background as well; by Alexander Schatten.
Cellular Automata with One-Dimensional Simulation (CAOS)
A Java applet running one-dimensional cellular automata; by Martin Schaller.
Cellular Automaton Music
Music samples generated using some popular cellular automata rules; by John Elliott.
Cellular Computations
Theoretical introduction to finite automata, cellular automata, iterons and solitons, by Pawel Siwak.
Complex Computation Lab - Trend and jTrend
2D general-purpose cellular automata simulators for Unix or Java at Iowa State University.
Digital Philosophy
Edward Fredkin's papers exploring the idea of a world where all quantities in nature are finite and discrete, with a chapter on cellular automata.
Digital Physics
A site devoted to the Edward Fredkin's idea that our entire Universe can be represented as a computer program. FAQ, relevant articles, cellular automata pictures, movies, VRML models and programs.
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