Data mining software, with algorithms such as SVM implemented. Overview of features, and screenshots.
Library for Support Vector Machines (LIBSVM)
An integrated tool implementing support vector classification, regression, and distribution estimation. C++ and Java sources available. [Free]
MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox
By Dr Gavin Cawley, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia.
Sequential Minimal Optimization for SVM
Software and documentation.
C++ software for classification.
SVM-Light: Support Vector Machine Software
Training software for large-scale SVMs. [Free for non-commercial use]
TinySVM: Support Vector Machines
Software with reference manual.
Data mining software, with algorithms such as SVM implemented. Overview of features, and screenshots.
Library for Support Vector Machines (LIBSVM)
An integrated tool implementing support vector classification, regression, and distribution estimation. C++ and Java sources available. [Free]
MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox
By Dr Gavin Cawley, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia.
Sequential Minimal Optimization for SVM
Software and documentation.
C++ software for classification.
SVM-Light: Support Vector Machine Software
Training software for large-scale SVMs. [Free for non-commercial use]
TinySVM: Support Vector Machines
Software with reference manual.
Data mining software, with algorithms such as SVM implemented. Overview of features, and screenshots.
Library for Support Vector Machines (LIBSVM)
An integrated tool implementing support vector classification, regression, and distribution estimation. C++ and Java sources available. [Free]
MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox
By Dr Gavin Cawley, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia.
Sequential Minimal Optimization for SVM
Software and documentation.
C++ software for classification.
SVM-Light: Support Vector Machine Software
Training software for large-scale SVMs. [Free for non-commercial use]
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