Sejnowski, Terry
Sensory representation in visual cortex, memory representation and adaptive organization of visuo-motor transformations.
Seung, Sebastian
Short-term memory, learning and memory in the brain, computational learning theory.
Shkolnik, Alexander
Neurally controlled robotics.
Shuurmans, Dale
Computational learning, complex probability modelling.
Simard, Patrice
Machine learning and generalization.
Smola, Alex J.
Kernel methods for prediction and data analysis.
Storkey, Amos
Belief networks, dynamic trees, image models, image processing, probabilistic methods in astronomy, scientific data mining, Gaussian processes and Hopfield neural networks.
Sutton, Richard S.
Reinforcement learning.
Sykacek, Peter
Brain Computer Interface.
Teh, Yee Whye
Learning and inference in complex probabilistic models.
Tipping, Mike
Bayesian learning, relevance vector machine, probabilistic principal component analysis.
Tishby, Naftali
Machine learning; applications to human-computer interaction, vision,neurophysiology, biology and cognitive science.
Versace, Massimiliano
Neural networks applied to visual perception and computational modeling of mental disorders.
Wainwright, Martin
Statistical signal and image processing, natural image modelling, graphical models.
Wallis, Guy
Object recognition, cognitive neuroscience, interaction between vision and motor movements.
Weiss, Yair
Vision, Bayesian methods, neural computation.
Welling, Max
Unsupervised learning, probabilistic density estimation, machine vision.
Wiegerinck, Wim
Inference in graphical models, mean field and variational approaches.
Williams, Christopher K. I.
Gaussian processes, image interpretation, graphical models, pattern recognition.
Winther, Ole
Variational algorithms for Gaussian processes, neural networks and support vector machines. Also work on belief propagation and protein structure prediction.
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